Best Devon Walks
Best Chudleigh Knighton Walks
2 TOP Walks
Walk 1 Stover Park & Teign
 7.2 miles (3 hours)
 difficulty 3/4 (challenging)
Walk 2 along a peaceful river
 4.8 miles (2 hours)
 difficulty 3/4 (challenging)

Along idyllic stretches of a peaceful river Teign.

trafficBoth walks include a stretch along a country lane with heavy traffic.
PubsThe thatched Claycutters Arms on Bovey Road

The Anchor Inn.
parking'the Bridge' or Playground on Bovey Road
Walk 1
Stover Park & Teign (7.2 miles)
River Teign
River Teign


A varied and very popular walk leading to the delightful Stover Park where it follows part of the Templer Way along the graceful river Teign - with easy paddling access!


It passes the recently restored Stover Canal Basin with sections of old tramway rails.

It also uses the newly constructed foot/cycle bridge across the dual carriageway.

Towards the end it crosses Knighton Heath a nature reserve by the Devon Wildlife Trust and passes the Point of Interest Claycutters Arms.


Walk 2
along a peaceful river (4.8 miles)


The walk takes you along beautiful stretches of the river Teign ,climbing steadily to 'Gappah' . From here it offers priceless views of Dartmoor.

Chudleigh Knighton enjoys 2 pubs.

The thatched Claycutters Arms on Bovey Road The Anchor Inn.

Parking is available near the playground, see map or 'the Bridge'.

Bridge across the Teign
River Teign
4 miles
1 hr 30 mins
tracks, paths
busy roads
8 mins
altitude range
9 - 80 m
quality of track
 Walks near Chudleigh Knighton
This charming old market town known for its wool and tannery offers the walker many opportunities to explore an almost parklike landscape.
Stover Park
Stover Country Park, once part of a large estate owned by James Templer,  is a great centre for both long and short family walks.
Ideford, an unspoilt rural village dating back to the Saxons, is still surrounded by ancient tracks and drover's lanes used for driving cattle.