TYPWiz What's New
TYPwiz 7.87
Dark Mode and Coloured Text Code selected |
- Add cursor key support to navigate all the icons and press Enter to select & edit an icon
- Add support to select day and or night font colours
- When Nolabel has been selected, ignore day/night colours in line with recent Garmin developments
- Add option to remove all font colours of selected icons
- Highlight different aspects of code using different colours
- Errors highlighted in RED
- Rewritten text editor making it easier & quicker to edit a TYP file
- Added support for text outline colours, day and or night, used in modern devices
- Added support to try out new unknown option for bitmap polygons found in recent TYP files
- Support for group x2 and x3 enlargement of point sizes
- Various editor improvements
TYPwiz 7.85
- Fixed issue when saving some polygons as text
- minor bugs fixed
TYPwiz 7.82
TYPWiz 7.80
TYPWiz 7.72
- Fixed draw order view when right clicking on polygons
- In settings,Elements added option to reset new elements from Garmin custom elements; these are not indexed and hence do not appear in a search BUT should be visible on all Garmin devices. Clcik Garmin Custom buttons.
TYPwiz 7.71
- Fixed issue when Garmin condenses POI stream when night and day bitmaps are the same.
- Fixed issue when the wrong colour becomes dominant whilst converting bitmap to non bitmap in the editor
- Fixed parsing Garmin POI non-bitmaps occasionally found in TOPO TYP files when height and width are not the same .Text if any is now correctly parsed.
- In settings add option to condense Transparent True Color POis when saved. Some Garmin TYP files show such compaction.
- Export list of elements as a jpg.
- Double click on blue selected element type(ie polnts) to add new element.
- Various small bug fixes.
TYPWiz 7.698
- Allowing 0x0 for lines
- Import TYP files from very large gmapsupp.img files - this requires gmt.exe - see manual
- Enable image to be flipped horizontally or vertically
- Some minor bugs fixed.
TYPWiz 7.691
- Various issues fixed when converting lines or polygons to non-bitmap
- Added Tool to clearly match Points found in TYP file to Garmin types: (Registered version only)
Go Tools,Check POI TYPES .
Correct matches ensures correct searches on a Garmin device.
Using the wrong type number can affect visibility of point and whether it appears in a search.
The tool also finds 'unused' custom poi types which can be safely used without affecting visibility of poi. - Added tool to print out list of lines & polygons used in the TYP file making it easier to check if element is visible on a garmin device - not all type numbers are visible on a map. (Registered version only)
TYPWiz 7.66
- Fixed key issue when files were savedwith header &5B
- Fixed colour shades not appearing when clicking on a colour in the editor.
TYPWiz 7.652
- Export Pois, Lines & Polygons as .html to create legends of a TYP file.
- see Example Topo France V3 TYP Legend
- Use own template.html file (script) & Insert -->table<-- where you wish the table to be displayed.
- images are stored in [image folder] / [ subfolder
- Above Example d:\dreamweaver\images\opentopo
Polygons are automatically separated from pois etc - Select number of columns
File / Export / Save as Webpage |
- Locating all Garmin maps & TYP files on a PC when referenced via a shortcut.
- Improved IMG2TYP
- Fixed problem when City Navigator TYP files lose their data 2+ files
- Fixed issue of Polygons , when in draworder mode, at times not showing text/types numbers.
- Various minor bugs fixed
TYPWiz 7.61
- Fixed Draworder View showing incorrect code when clicking on icon
- Fixed some linked Basecamp maps not included list of Installed Maps
- various small bugs fixed.
- Added Make Transparent when right clicking on an element.
TYPWiz 7.54
- Dark Theme : Go Settings, Colours/icons/Dark Theme
- Bug Fixes
TYPWiz 7.51
- Easier to identify transparent colours , particularly in pois
- Better support for' useorientation' in lines.
- Draworders get pasted when copied.
- Various bugs fixed
TYPWiz 7.45
- Added support for Outline colours in POIs as found in latest Garmin TOPO TYP files
- Add new improved option to Open TYP files from Gmapsupps
- Some Bug fixes
TYPWiz 7.31
- Fixed bug when copying and pasting polygons failed to paste fontstyles and colours
- Fixed issue when task bar is at the top
- Slimlined code to aid speed
TYPWiz 7.15
- Fixed issue when using tool to create transparent polygons
- Removed img2typ from Settings as this no longer applies
- Added 'Bell' at top right to show if there is an update -
Go Preferences,Settings,Advanced and tick automatic updates.
TYPWiz 7.10
- Fixed an issue when non-bitmap lines were saved as bitmap lines
- Adding and Removing colours made simpler
- Incorporated img2typ into TYPWiz
- Img2TYP now also reads rgn files found in certain gmap folders